Being the right hand to a CEO is an important and demanding role that requires more than just hard work. It also requires strong emotional intelligence (EQ) skills, which are essential for understanding the dynamics between people in any organization. If you’re looking to become a great asset to your organization and its CEO, here’s how you can leverage your EQ.

Understand Your Own EQ Skills
The first step in leveraging your EQ is understanding your own skills. Ask yourself what emotions you exhibit most often and how you react when faced with difficult situations. Knowing yourself will give you better insight into how to handle complex interpersonal relationships with both peers and superiors. You should also be aware of potential communication gaps that can occur when it comes to expressing or interpreting emotions. By being aware of these potential gaps, you can take steps to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications between yourself and others in the organization.
How do you hone in on those skills and truly develop them?
There are several ways to improve emotional intelligence, including:
Self-awareness: Reflect on your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and actions.
Self-regulation: Learn to manage and control your emotions in a healthy way.
Motivation: Identify your goals and values, and use them to drive your behavior.
Empathy: Practice understanding and identifying with the emotions of others.
Social skills: Develop strong communication and relationship-building skills.
Mindfulness and meditation practices can also help to improve emotional intelligence by increasing focus and self-awareness.
Seek feedback from others on how you come across in different situations and how you might improve.
Learn from role models and other people who exhibit high emotional intelligence.
It's worth noting that emotional intelligence is a continuous process of learning and development. Consistent practice, reflection, and feedback are key to honing your emotional intelligence skills.
Practice Active Listening
Active listening is key when dealing with any kind of interpersonal interaction, but especially so when working with a CEO or other executive-level positions. Active listening involves actively engaging with others by making eye contact, asking clarifying questions, and summarizing what has been said in order to ensure understanding on both sides. This not only shows respect for the person speaking but also demonstrates that you are genuinely engaged in the conversation and taking it seriously. Active listening will help build trust within the organization, which is essential for creating a positive working environment where everyone feels heard and respected.
What the heck is that even?
Active listening is a communication technique that involves fully focusing on, understanding, and responding to the person who is speaking. It involves paying attention to not only the words that are being said, but also the speaker's tone, body language, and nonverbal cues.
Active listening requires the listener to be fully present, to avoid interrupting, and to give verbal and nonverbal feedback to show that they are engaged in the conversation. This may include nodding, making eye contact, and paraphrasing or summarizing what the speaker has said to ensure understanding.
Active listening is important because it helps to build trust and understanding in relationships, and can lead to more effective communication. It can also help to reduce misunderstandings and conflicts by allowing both parties to fully express their thoughts and feelings.
Active listening is a valuable skill that can be used in personal, professional and social interactions. It can be particularly useful in situations where the speaker is upset, or when the listener is trying to understand a complex or unfamiliar topic.
Stay Calm Under Pressure
When working directly with a CEO, it’s important to stay calm under pressure even if things get heated or stressful at times. There may be moments where tempers flare or disagreements arise; however, it’s essential that as an Executive Assistant you remain professional at all times and show respect for everyone involved in the discussion – even if they don’t show it back! Additionally, try not to take criticism personally; instead use it as an opportunity for growth and development. Remember that staying composed during difficult conversations will go a long way towards building trust between yourself and your colleagues at all levels of the organization.
All in all, emotional intelligence is an invaluable skill set that any Executive Assistant should have when supporting their CEO or other senior leaders within an organization. By understanding your own EQ skills, practicing active listening techniques, and remaining calm under pressure during challenging conversations – you will be able to become an asset both your boss and organization need! So don’t forget – leverage your emotional intelligence today!
Keep it up ya beauties, stay kind,
Meg ✌️